Blogger Sitemap or Table of Contents Siam Dan

Blogger a Sitemap or Table Contents Siam Dan

Blogger Blogspot hian a hranpa in Sitemap (Table of Content) index hi a rawn chhawmsa velo a. Sitemap a awm veloh hi chuan Blog tlawhtu te tan awlsam takin posts zawng a buaithlak duh bik. Chuvangin tuntum tutorial ah hian Blogger a Sitemap or Table of Contents siam dan kan zir ang.

Sitemap (Table of Contents) page hi websites, blogs tinten loh theih loha siam ngei ngei a ngai ti ila a sual lo ang. A chhanchu sawitawh ang khan blog tlawhtu tan kan thil zawn duh kha, ama labels, categories te te khan a insiam vek a. Chuta tang chuan awlsam takin kan hai thei ani. Sitemap awmzia ber chu lehkha bu a Table of Contents (A chhunga thu awmte) ang chi kha a ni mai a. Posts titles zawng zawng chu a chi azir khan, categories leh labels te te in a in vuah thlap ani.

Tehkhinnan, Lehkhabu ang ah te pawh, contents atang kan duh leh kan chhiar duh title chu khawi hmunah nge a awm tih awlsam takin kan hria a, kan zawng nghal mai. A phek tina va keu zel ngailo in, kan duhna hmun takah kanva kal chat mai ani.

Sitemap (Table of Contents) i siam tawh chuan visitors hmuh awlsam na ah kan dah anga. Chu chu awlsam takin an posts chhiar duh zawng an hmu anga. Posts thar (Recent Posts) pawh title sirah 'New!' tiin hriat awlsam turin a pe nghal bawk. I webisite/blog chu entu ati tam phah bawk thei ang. A hnuaia Demo screenshot of Sitemap hi tuna kan siam dan tur design Sitemap ani. (Hriattur pakhat chu blogger theme/template a zirin tlemte design a danglam mai thei.) mizoBlogging Sitemap ah pawh hian en chhin rawh.

 Demo Screenshot of Sitemap
demo screenshot Sitemap mizo

Tun tum a kan tutorial tur chu Blogger ah Sitemap (Table of Contents) dah dan ani. Hetah hian JavaScript hmang ani dawnlo. Sitemap thenkhat ah chuan JavaScript te hmang a awm thin a, page loading pawh atih muangna tlem a awm thin. Vanneih thlak takin, third-party sites dang atang scripts leh css files ang chi hmang ngailo in, Blogger ah tuna kan add tur Sitemap widget te hian awlsam takin Table of Contents kan siam thei ang.

Blogger ah Sitemap Lists of Posts Add Dan

Tuna tutorial ah hian HTML editor ah va kal ngailo in, Page thar atanga siam mai tur ani.

Step 1. Blogger Dashboard atang chuan Pages >"New Page" ah click la. Title ah 'Sitemap' emaw, 'Zawn Awlna' emaw, 'Table of Contents' emaw tiin hming pe la.

blogger table of contents siam dan

Step 2. "HTML" (Compose nilo, a sir ah khan) tih ah khan click la, a hnuaia code hi Copy la Paste rawh. (Note: code eng emaw alo awmsa anih chuan delete vek ang che, blank vek tur ani.)
p.labels a{color: #242424; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px;} {color: #0000FF;}
ol li{list-style-type:decimal;line-height:25px;}
var postTitle=new Array();var postUrl=new Array();var postPublished=new Array();var postDate=new Array();var postLabels=new Array();var postRecent=new Array();var sortBy="titleasc";var tocLoaded=false;var numChars=250;var postFilter="";var numberfeed=0;function bloggersitemap(a){function b(){if("entry" in a.feed){var d=a.feed.entry.length;numberfeed=d;ii=0;for(var h=0;h<d;h++){var n=a.feed.entry[h];var e=n.title.$t;var m=n.published.$t.substring(0,10);var j;for(var g=0;g<;g++){if([g].rel=="alternate"){[g].href;break}}var o="";for(var g=0;g<;g++){if([g].rel=="enclosure"){[g].href;break}}var c="";if("category" in n){for(var g=0;g<n.category.length;g++){c=n.category[g].term;var f=c.lastIndexOf(";");if(f!=-1){c=c.substring(0,f)}postLabels[ii]=c;postTitle[ii]=e;postDate[ii]=m;postUrl[ii]=j;postPublished[ii]=o;if(h<10){postRecent[ii]=true}else{postRecent[ii]=false}ii=ii+1}}}}}b();sortBy="titleasc";sortPosts(sortBy);sortlabel();tocLoaded=true;displayToc2();document.write('</br><div class="sitemap-link"><a href="" style="font-size: 10px; text-decoration:none; color: #5146CD;">Get This Widget</a></div>')}function filterPosts(a){scroll(0,0);postFilter=a;displayToc(postFilter)}function allPosts(){sortlabel();postFilter="";displayToc(postFilter)}function sortPosts(d){function c(e,g){var f=postTitle[e];postTitle[e]=postTitle[g];postTitle[g]=f;var f=postDate[e];postDate[e]=postDate[g];postDate[g]=f;var f=postUrl[e];postUrl[e]=postUrl[g];postUrl[g]=f;var f=postLabels[e];postLabels[e]=postLabels[g];postLabels[g]=f;var f=postPublished[e];postPublished[e]=postPublished[g];postPublished[g]=f;var f=postRecent[e];postRecent[e]=postRecent[g];postRecent[g]=f}for(var b=0;b<postTitle.length-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<postTitle.length;a++){if(d=="titleasc"){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="titledesc"){if(postTitle[b]<postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="dateoldest"){if(postDate[b]>postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="datenewest"){if(postDate[b]<postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="orderlabel"){if(postLabels[b]>postLabels[a]){c(b,a)}}}}}function sortlabel(){sortBy="orderlabel";sortPosts(sortBy);var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];firsti=a;do{a=a+1}while(postLabels[a]==temp1);b=a;sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function sortPosts2(d,c){function e(f,h){var g=postTitle[f];postTitle[f]=postTitle[h];postTitle[h]=g;var g=postDate[f];postDate[f]=postDate[h];postDate[h]=g;var g=postUrl[f];postUrl[f]=postUrl[h];postUrl[h]=g;var g=postLabels[f];postLabels[f]=postLabels[h];postLabels[h]=g;var g=postPublished[f];postPublished[f]=postPublished[h];postPublished[h]=g;var g=postRecent[f];postRecent[f]=postRecent[h];postRecent[h]=g}for(var b=d;b<c-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<c;a++){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){e(b,a)}}}}function displayToc(a){var l=0;var h="";var e="Post Title";var m="Click to sort by title";var d="Date";var k="Click to sort by date";var c="Category";var j="";if(sortBy=="titleasc"){m+=" (descending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="titledesc"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="dateoldest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="datenewest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (oldest first)"}if(postFilter!=""){j="Click to view all"}h+="<table>";h+="<tr>";h+='<td class="header1">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleTitleSort();" title="'+m+'">'+e+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header2">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleDateSort();" title="'+k+'">'+d+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header3">';h+='<a href="javascript:allPosts();" title="'+j+'">'+c+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header4">';h+="Read all";h+="</td>";h+="</tr>";for(var g=0;g<postTitle.length;g++){if(a==""){h+='<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>';l++}else{z=postLabels[g].lastIndexOf(a);if(z!=-1){h+='<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>';l++}}}h+="</table>";if(l==postTitle.length){var f='<span class="toc-note">Show All '+postTitle.length+" Posts<br/></span>"}else{var f='<span class="toc-note">Show '+l+" posts by category '";f+=postFilter+"' the "+postTitle.length+" Total Posts<br/></span>"}var b=document.getElementById("toc");b.innerHTML=f+h}function displayToc2(){var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];document.write("<p/>");document.write('<p class="labels"><a href="/search/label/'+temp1+'">'+temp1+"</a></p><ol>");firsti=a;do{document.write("<li>");document.write('<a class="post-titles" href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a>");if(postRecent[a]==true){document.write(' - <strong><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">New!</span></strong>')}document.write("</li>");a=a+1}while(postLabels[a]==temp1);b=a;document.write("</ol>");sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function toggleTitleSort(){if(sortBy=="titleasc"){sortBy="titledesc"}else{sortBy="titleasc"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function toggleDateSort(){if(sortBy=="datenewest"){sortBy="dateoldest"}else{sortBy="datenewest"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function showToc(){if(tocLoaded){displayToc(postFilter);var a=document.getElementById("toclink")}else{alert("Just wait... TOC is loading")}}function hideToc(){var a=document.getElementById("toc");a.innerHTML="";var b=document.getElementById("toclink");b.innerHTML='<a href="#" onclick="scroll(0,0); showToc(); Effect.toggle(\'toc-result\',\'blind\');">?? Display Table of Contents</a> <img src=""/>'}function looptemp2(){for(var a=0;a<numberfeed;a++){document.write("<br>");document.write('Post Link : <a href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write('Read all : <a href="'+postPublished[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write("<br>")}};
<script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=bloggersitemap"></script>
Note: Red color a tih hi nangma Blog Address URL nen thlak ang che. (Theihnghilh chi a nilo, i thlak loh chuan a dik theilo ang)
A sira Page Setting ah pawh hian a hnuaia picture ang hian siam ang che. "Readers comments" ah hian "Don't allow" ah select tur ani. He Sitemap page ah hian Comment phal loh tura siam dan ani.

blogger ah sitemap siam dan

Step 3. Tichuan, Page chu Publish la, i siam zo chu nimai.

Blogger theme (templates) thenkhat ah chuan Sitemap han add hian theme nen inmil lo te pawh hi a awm thei. Chuvangin, chiang taka test zel hi angai. I blog ah a dik theilo anih pawhin, i theme nen a inmil loh vang ani thei, i blog dang ah chuan inrem tak ani leh thut thei tho.

Hei hi Blogger tana Sitemap or Table of Contents simple taksi, en nuam tak, tha ve tak, siam dan ani. Blogs tin ten sitemap page kan neih theuh hi a pawimawh hmel.
Kan Publish zawh hnu ah pawh duh chuan kanla Edit thei tho. Sitemap dang thlak i duh chuan, i sitemap page siamsa chu delete mai lo la, HTML atang khan kan thlak kual thei ani. Delete mai a sualna chu tih kanlo siam tawh a, a dang kan siam leh khan tih ang chi, numbers lo tel tlat thin a awm a. Chuvangin, siam tawh chuan delete loh hi a that ber ka ring.
Happy Blogging!
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